Life of Thomas Jefferson

Suggestions for DownLoading

Visitors are welcome to download this entire site for their personal use, and there are several ways in which it can be done:

(1) If you are using Netscape with Windows, you can go to File and use "Save as..." to save each chapter to a text file (be sure you change the ending to .txt). Netscape will automatically strip off all the HTML codes and give you a clean ASCII copy which can then be read in any format that accepts ASCII text. You can combine all the chapters into one file and read them in any format that accepts large ASCII files, such as Write in Windows or Word Perfect, etc.

(2) If you would like to recreate the entire book precisely as it is on the Web, you can follow this procedure: Create a separate directory on your hard drive for the entire book. Download each chapter (plus the preface, front page, and notes, too) using "Save as..." similar to above, but this time save each one to a file with the .htm ending (i.e., leave the endings as is). Next, download the graphics used for the Web presentation. This can be done by clicking on each of the graphics displayed below. This will cause each separate graphic to appear by itself on your browser. You can then use "Save as..." to save each graphic (with its .gif ending) to your book directory. After saving one graphic, click on the "Back" button to return to this page in order to save the next graphic. Each drop cap must be saved separately. Once you have saved all the .htm files and all the .gif files to your directory, you can view the book with your browser off-line and at your leisure by going to File and selecting first "Open File..." then your book directory, then the "ljindex.htm" file. All of this is a little bit of trouble, but it will enable you to reproduce the entire book in a pleasing format for reference and study offline.

The graphics below are set up so that by clicking on each one, it will appear by itself on your screen, and you can then save it to your hard drive.



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