Today much is made of the fact Thomas Jefferson had slaves. These comments come from the very same folks who watch their neighbor's kids gunned down in the street, yet feel it doesn't affect them. They condemn Thomas Jefferson for not being more forceful in his stance, yet they divorce themselves from horrors equal to anything a slave had experienced. It is okay for them to turn their backs but not okay for those who came before them! The hypocritical nature of humans never ceases to amaze me.

As one begins to criticize Mr. Jefferson, one needs to contemplate the quality of life for a freed slave IN THOSE TIMES! Mr. Jefferson's slaves had lives much better than what they would have had freed. I am not saying that slavery was a good thing; what I'm saying is that it wasn't the time yet. His stance, however meager it appears now, did begin the seeds of the civil war.

Lynn LaForest      


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