Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson


>Tell me, tell me!  :)  I'd love to know what you think of my website.  Any
>pointers would be great!

Your website looks fine.  It certainly loads fast.  The main thing I was
talking about as a "little trick" was the use of 
to make a margin instead of using a table, as some people do. I didn't see any tables on your pages, which is good (I think) if you can get by without them. Same goes for frames. Also, If you use tables, it is better to break them up into a series of tables, rather than have the whole page is a table. This is because, when you use a table, the ENTIRE TABLE has to load before any part of it will begin to appear on the screen. The only suggestions I might make for your pages are.... You might consider using
(can also be used in multiples) in order to make a margin on both sides of the page. I feel a margin sets blocks of print off nicely, rather than allowing it to run to the extreme edge. You might also consider incorporating your Site Map into the presentation on your front page. It is difficult to be very specific about such an idea without going into a lot of elaborate study and detail, but I am thinking of a format something like the following Title Intro (short) Highlighted Features of the Site (=your site map) Other secondary stuff Perhaps that is somewhat conventional, but I think most websites follow that format. I guess ALL of mine do. But you can introduce a lot of variety, even following such a format. But those are just my suggestions. Your page looks quite nice as it is now. Best wishes, Eyler Coates
> If the complete historical records eventually appear > on-line, mistakes can be caught and corrected relatively quickly > without leaving error-filled copies behind. A good point. And I have no doubt (well, little doubt) that it will all be available. We have to remember: we are really active in the infancy of this thing. Even from our present vantage point, it doesn't take much to see the enormous potential. I just keep my fingers crossed in hopes that certain commercial forces don't try to alter things in order to eliminate the little guys. They are probably trying. But if the technology was "improved" to the point that you needed highly expensive hardware in order to maintain a website, that might bring it all under the control of commercial interests. We've got to keep a sharp eye out for that sort of thing.


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