Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson Quotations


> Sir, I'm trying to track down a quote by the Great Man in
> which I remember him saying something along the lines of:
> "one day, the teachings of Christ will sweep this country."
> Do you recall anything similar. I would be deeply grateful for
> any assistance in this regard.

I am not familar with a passage in which Jefferson made such a statement.
But he did write about Unitarianism, "That this will, ere long, be the
religion of the majority from North to South, I have no doubt." --Thomas
Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1822.  ME 15:405

He also wrote, "Had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as
they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would now have been
Christian."  --Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waterhouse, 1822.  ME 15:385

and later on the same page:

"I trust that there is not a young man now living in the United States who
will not die an Unitarian." --Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waterhouse,
1822.  ME 15:385

Jefferson was not a traditional Christian, and I do not believe he would
have written anything that might suggest he thought some kind of
revivalistic fervor would sweep the nation.  His emphasis was on the moral
teachings of Jesus.


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