Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson Quotations


>Within the past few days I heard a quotation attributed to Jefferson.  I
>looked through the "Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government" site
>Can you help me find this quotation?  It went, (very) roughly, "The
>Amendment is not needed until it is threatened."

I have never seen this quotation, and I doubt very much if it is by
Jefferson.  It is not his style and not his way of thinking, in my opinion.  I
could be wrong, of course, but I would be much surprised   if this was a
genuine quotation.

I have been asked about similar quotes, which I also think are not

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until
they try to take it."

"The people will not understand the importance of the Second
Amendment until it is too late."

I do not know who might have said any of those quotes, but I do not believe
it was Thomas Jefferson.


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