Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson Quotations


>I've been searching for the source, circumstance and information on 
>the following quote:
>"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain 
>always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."  Thomas Jefferson
>After many, many search failures and becoming quite exhausted, I'm 
>asking for help.  Thank you for any assistance.  RON

Just last night, while reading the last volume of text in the 20 vol. set of
the Memorial Edition of Jefferson's writings, I happened to run across the
quote you were seeking.

It is in a letter of Jefferson to his grandson, Francis Eppes, dated May 21,
1816, and is found in vol. 19, page 241 (the quote is on pg. 242).  The
letter was one filled with advice for the young boy.  The quote is preceded
by the following passage:

"Whenever you feel a warmth of temper rising check it at once, and suppress
it, recollecting it will make you unhappy within yourself and disliked by
others.  Nothing gives one person so great advantage over another as to
remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."
Best wishes,
Eyler Coates


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