> > Christmas Gift for Boss > My budget is only $50 > Any suggestions? You probably will want to get a book. I have not read the recent book by Meier, but I saw her interviewed on TV and I would never recommend the book after seeing the interview. The 1993 book by Willard Sterne Randall, "Thomas Jefferson: A Life," is good. One of the difficulties is avoiding giving a TJ collector something he already has. He probably already has Dumas Malone, which is scholarly but a little dull. The TJ Memorial Association at Monticello has a gift shop and, I believe, a catalog. You probably have time to get it and perhaps order something out of it. Check out: http://www.monticello.org and see if you can order the catalog online. Sorry I can't be more definite, but that's a tough question. Best wishes, Eyler Coates --