These are requests for information related to Thomas Jefferson made by readers of several Jefferson websites, together with the answers provided by the Editor. All questions related to QUOTATIONS are grouped together on a separate page. Entries preceded by awere added or revised recently.
Activities of Jefferson during the Revolutionary War
The Adams-Jefferson Correspondence
The Adams-Jefferson Letters: Their literary importance
After His Presidency: Jefferson's Accomplishments
Agriculture: Jefferson's Accomplishments
Amendments and Constitutional Change
American Sphinx (the book)
Anarchism: Was Jefferson a Rational Anarchist?
Aramaic Bible: What would Jefferson think?
The Aristocracy of Virtue and Talent
Arms, Right to bear
Arthritis, Jefferson's
Atheist? Was Jefferson an
Bible, 18th Century
Bicameral Legislature, Needed?
Biographies of Jefferson
Birth of Jefferson: In a Log Cabin?
Black Inferiority? Did Jefferson Believe in
Blacks: 3/5 of a Person?
Book About Jefferson: Which is the Best?
Books: What became of Jefferson's Collection?
Books Donated by Jefferson to the Library of Congress
Business and Jefferson Quotes
Bust of Jefferson: Source
Capitalism, Jefferson's Thoughts Related to
Capitalism vs. Self-Government
Changing Views Held by Jefferson
Children: How many did Jefferson have? How many Sally Hemings?
Church and State Separation Letter
Church and State Separation: Jefferson's Views
Cities: Did Jefferson Say We Should Not Build Them?
Citing Websites as a Source for a Paper
Comet falling in Connecticut, Jefferson's Views on
Commentary on Jefferson's Writings
Commerce: Jefferson's Views
Conservation: Jefferson's Views on
Constitution: Change in Title
Constitution: Strict Construction
Constitution: "The Jefferson Amendments"
Cryptographic Codes used by Jefferson
Copyright: Did Jefferson Support it?
Credentials of the Editor of these Webpages
D'Auville or D'Anville?
Death, Time of Day of Jefferson's
Death, Cause of Jefferson's
Debts: Jefferson's Enormous Debts
The Declaration and Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence, Jefferson's Authorship
The Declaration: Was Jefferson's Original Edited?
The Declaration: How Long did it Take Jefferson to Write It?
The Declaration and Jefferson's Original Wording
The Declaration: Nothing New?
The Declaration: Why did Jefferson Write It?
Deist? Was Jefferson one?
Democratic Government: Jefferson's 1816 Letter to Dupont
Democracy: Did Jefferson Advocate It?
Democracy in America: Jefferson's Influence
Democracy, Jeffersonian
Democracy, Jeffersonian -- Some Related Issues
Democracy or a Republic?
"Dialog Between My Head and My Heart" Letter
Education: Is There a Right to One?
Education: Jefferson's Bill for Greater Diffusion of Knowledge
Education, Jefferson's perspective on
Elections and Change
Eli, Ezra Stiles: Jefferson Letters to?
Enigmas of Thomas Jefferson
The Entrepreneurial Spirit and Rebellion
Factions: Useful for Society?
Famous Quote of Jefferson, The Most
Favorite Foods of Jefferson
Federalists: How did Jefferson Pre-empt Them?
Fiction, Historical, About Jefferson's Times
Fishing, Jefferson on
Flag Burning: A Bad Idea
Flag Burning and Jefferson
Founding Fathers: Other Quotation Websites for
Free Trade: Jefferson's Views
The French Revolution
Gambling: Jefferson's Views
Gardening and Politics
Genealogy of Jefferson
General Information on Jefferson
Gift for A Jefferson Collector
Hamilton, Jefferson's disagreements with
The "Head and Heart" Letter by Jefferson
Health and Medicine, Jefferson Quotes on
Hemings and Jefferson's moral character
Hemings: the Book by Annette Gordon-Reed
Hemings, the Carr Brothers (Jefferson's nephews), and DNA
Hemings: Did Jefferson have a sexual relationship with Sally?
The Hemings-Jefferson Controversy
Hemings-Jefferson Letters?
Hemings: A Portrait of Sally?
Hemings: Sally's Room at Monticello
High Crimes & Misdemeanors, Jefferson's views on
Historical Fiction About Jefferson's Times
Homework: Does the Editor do Homework for Students?
Ideas on Government, Jefferson's
Impeachment and the Separation of Powers
Inalienable Rights
Inaugural Address, Jefferson's First
Inconsistencies of Jefferson: Myth or Reality?
Indian Influence on Jefferson
Individual Sovereignty
Influences on Jefferson
Intrusion by Government in Lives of People
Inventions, Jefferson's
Italian Influence on Declaration of Independence?
The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia
Jefferson -- General questions
The Jefferson Bible: An Evil Book?
Jefferson Bible: Before or After Religious Freedom?
Jefferson Bible in Latin, Greek, French and English
Jefferson Bible: Locating a Facsimile
Jefferson Bible & St. Paul
Jefferson Bible & Parables
Jefferson Bible: The Historical Foundation
Jefferson Bible: When First Published?
Jefferson Bible: Why no Resurrection?
Jefferson Bible -- Publisher
Jefferson's Epitaph
Jefferson's Public Image
Jefferson's Writings
Jesus, Jefferson's views on
Jesus and the Jefferson Bible
Jesus's Teachings: Diamonds in a Dunghill?
Jesus: Second Coming
Judges: Appointed? Elected? Limited terms?
Kennedy's quip about Jefferson
Last Words of Thomas Jefferson
Leadership and Scholarship, Jefferson on
Letter by Jefferson between his Head and his Heart
Lewis, Meriwhether: His Death
Libertarian: Was Jefferson a Libertarian?
Libertarianism and the Non-Initiation of Force
Liberty Under Attack
Locke and Jefferson Compared
Locke: Did Jefferson Derive All His Ideas from Locke?
Lotteries: Jefferson's Views
Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson and
Luck, Jefferson on
Madison, James: The Rev. and the President
Majority Rule: Decides Right and Wrong?
Majority Rule: In Opposition to Inalienable Rights?
Marriage: Jefferson's -- To whom?
A Mason? Was Jefferson One?
Memorial Edition of Jefferson's writings
Memorial, Jefferson -- Quotes on walls
Middle Name? Did Thomas Jefferson have One?
Money -- Jefferson on $2 Bill
Monopolies and Patents, Jefferson on
Monticello: Reservations for Visiting
Morality and Government
Mother and Sisters of Jefferson
Mother of Jefferson: When did she die?
Muslims, Jefferson on
Napoleon's decision to sell Louisiana
Natural History, Jefferson's interest in
Natural Right to Life
Nature's Nation: Did Jefferson Use That Term?
Notebook of Quotations, Jefferson's
Notes on Virginia, Jefferson's book
Novel (Historical) About Jefferson's Times
New Testament, Jefferson's views on
Objectivism: An Estimate of its Value as a Philosophy
Objectivism, Ayn Rand, and Jefferson
Objectivism, Jefferson and Capitalism
Patents: Did Jefferson Support Them?
The People, Jefferson on
Pets owned by Jefferson
Philosopher, Jefferson as a
Philosophy, Jefferson's
Physiocrats and Jefferson
Pictures of Jefferson (for framing)
Pictures of Jefferson on the Web
Play or Movie on Jefferson (for school)
Poetry by Jefferson
Political Discourse, Limits on
Political Parties, Jefferson's views on
Political Parties, Origin of
Political Philosophy, Jefferson's
Portrayal of Jefferson: Who does it?
Post Office, Jefferson's plan for
Post Roads -- Source of Patronage
Poster with Jefferson and Rules for Living
Prayers by Jefferson?
Presidency, Jefferson's
Press, Jefferson on the
Privacy, Jefferson's views on personal
Questions: Asking the Editor
Quotations: How Reliable Are They?
Quotations? Were these by Jefferson?
Race relations
Reading List Recommended by Jefferson
Rayner's Life of Jefferson
Rayner's Life of Jefferson: Cost of Rare Book
Rayner's Life of Jefferson -- How to Purchase
Relatives of Jefferson living today
Religion: Thomas Jefferson's
Religious Freedom
The Religious Right
Revolutions and rebellions
Rules for Living, Jefferson's
Sally Hemings: Book by Gordon-Reed
Second Term as President: How Different?
Selfish: Is there a Better Word?
Siblings and Youthful Activities, Jefferson's
Slaves, Jefferson's
Slave emancipation
Slave Ownership and "All men created equal"
Slavery and Principles
Social Development and Democratic Participation
Spurious Jefferson Quotes
State of the Union Addresses by Jefferson
Strong State governments
Student: What was Jefferson's Idea of an Ideal Student?
The Styles Letter of June 25, 1819: By Jefferson?
"The Tree of Liberty Must be Refreshed"=Meaning?
Unicameral Legislature: Did Jefferson Favor It?
Unitarianism and Jefferson
Universal Suffrage: Did Jefferson Believe in it?
University of Virginia, Academic Freedom, and Jefferson
The Various Views on Jefferson
Vision for America, Jefferson's
Volney and Jefferson
Wall of Separation between Church and State
Website Suggestions
Will, Jefferson's Last Will & Testament
Women's Equal Rights and Thomas Jefferson
Writing a Letter to Thomas Jefferson
Writing a Paper on Jefferson
Writings of Jefferson -- Best edition
Writings of Jefferson -- Publisher
Writings of Jefferson -- Value of the Memorial Edition
Writings of Other Presidents
Youth and Childhood of Jefferson
Search This Site for Any Word or Phrase
Jefferson-Related Web Sites
The above questions were sent in from one of the following websites:
Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government.
The Jeffersonian Perspective
The Jefferson Bible.
Conversations on Morality and The Jefferson Bible: An Open Forum
Jefferson on Freedom of Religion
Rayner's Life of Thomas Jefferson
Objectivism and Thomas Jefferson
Send comments, questions and suggestions to:
Eyler Coates, Sr.